Strawberry & Rosewater Jam
Strawberry & Rosewater Jam

Strawberry & Rosewater Jam

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Strawberry sauce or jam? Both! This summery jam is made at the peak of strawberry season. Strawberries are very low in pectin so this is perfect spooned over your ice-cream sundae or stirred into your sheep’s milk yoghurt. Paired with Rosewater, a hint of the Middle East.

Ingredients: Strawberries, unrefined cane sugar, rosewater & lemon juice.

7.7 oz

London Borough of Jam makes decadent jams that are cooked for a shorter time compared to generic brands, using natural, unrefined sugars and no commercial pectins. The flavour is honest and unadulterated; it is fruit-driven, rather than sugar-driven. The preserves combine seasonal fruits – sourced in the UK, France, Italy and Spain. LBJ preserves contain no more than 4 ingredients and are dairy free & vegan.